Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day Ten

February 27, 2010.

My second "Self portrait" if you will.
I went to go to see Shutter Island with Portia, Lydia, Lynae, and Joe. It was a really good movie.

Day Nine

February 26, 2010. I walked into my room to find this on my bed. My mother bought it for me for Valentines day, although I just now got it. ahah. I love my mommy.

Day Eight

February 25, 2010.
"Stick your hands inside of my pocket, keep them warm while I'm still here"

Portia and I went to see Tegan and Sara. Gotta say it was an interesting experience.

Day Seven

February 24, 2010.

I was attempting to mess with longer shutter speeds and what not. This was just one of the results. Just trying to get a feel for everything and learn new things.

Day Six

February 23, 2010.
Portia and I made a practice cookie cake. She plans on making one for Caleb's birthday and we needed to have a trial run. It tasted amazing and was actually rather cookiecake like. we are a success. =]

Day Five

February 22, 2010.

I forgot, or rather procrastinate with excelent talent, that I had a paper due the next day. Spent all night working on it, but got it done and it was pretty freaking awesome for being written in four hours. Gotta love papers on Little Richard...

Day Four

February 21, 2010.

Portia and I went on a photography adventure. We went to a park in which we decided to explore the trails. We found two little boys playing around and they kept going off to this one area and being rather secretive. We decided to see what was back there and this is what we found. We found a nice little outdoor living room of types. We asked the boy if he made it and he said he and his dad had made it. It was pretty sweet.

Day Three

February 20, 2010.

I do believe I am suppose to do some sort of self portrait each week. Well here is mine. This was after at 13 and a half hour work day. It was horrid. Being on my feet that long after having horrible whiplash was horrible, but got through it and got some overtime.

Day Two

February 19, 2010.
"I wanna feel the car crash, I wanna feel the capsize."

So the second day that I restarted this project, I got into a wreck. Great first use for my new camera huh? pictures for insurance and what not.

I was going down the highway, and someone pulled right in front of me. I had the right of way but she went anyway and I ran into her. No injuries. I just had pretty bad whiplash afterward. The car was deemed totaled and I am currently in the process of finding a new car. But I am horribly sad to see Clemmentine go.

Day One

So I have recently purchased a new camera. A Cannon Rebel xsi. It is beautiful. So I have decided to restart my project 365. Sadly I had to take my first picture the day after getting my camera due to having to wait for the battery charge. any way, here is the first picture. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

February 18, 2010. All the stuff I got with my camera. Paid 675 for it and got the camera, a lens, two tippons, a bag, two batteries, charger, flash, tripod, tiny tripod, card reader, and I think a few other things I can't think of right now.